Town Board of Trustees


Town of Center Mission Statement

The Town of Center, Colorado shall provide strong leadership, inspire community pride, maintain fiscal accountability and through its employees offer a high level of service to the residents, businesses, and visitors of the community.




About the Town Board

The Town of Center is a statutory town in Saguache and Rio Grande counties. Our Town Board is composed of six Trustees and a Mayor. All seven members are at-large, elected individuals residing within the Town limits.



Daniel "Archie" Gallegos, Mayor
Term Expires: 2028
Nivek Beiriger,
Mayor Pro-Tem
Term Expires: 2028
Richie Barela,
Term Expires: 2026
Paul Lopez,
Term Expires: 2028
James Sanchez,
Term Expires: 2026
Anthony "Tony" Garcia
Term Expires: 2028
Miriam Gonzales,
Term Expires: 2026


Essential Board Roles

  • Guiding the Town through the Town Manager
  • Engaging constituents
  • Ensuring alignment of resources and structures
  • Modeling Excellence


Meeting Information

The Center Town Board of Trustees convenes at Center Town Hall (294 Worth Street, Center, CO 81125) on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday of every month. There may be Special Meetings in addition to the Regular meeting and it will be advertised as such at least 24 hours before the meeting. The Board welcomes citizens to attend Town Board meetings to stay informed about current projects that the Town is working on. The Board would like to hear different viewpoints of all citizens and needs to conduct its business in an orderly and efficient manner. Members of the public are asked to speak under the "Citizen Comments" section of the Agenda and must complete the sign-in sheet provided. Members of the public will not speak until called upon, and are asked to limit their comments to three minutes. In Regular Session, the Board will not hear personal comments on personnel and staff associated with the Town.

Staff reports will be presented on the first meeting of the month of the 2nd Tuesday.

Agendas and special meetings are posted at:

  • Center Town Hall
  • Center Post Office
  • This Web Site

How to get on the Agenda

Individuals/organizations wishing to be added for a presentation to the Board must submit the following in writing to the Town Clerk no later than noon on the Wednesday preceding the Board Meeting. The written notification to the Town Clerk shall include:

  • Topic to be discussed
  • Estimated time for presentation and discussion.

The Board reserves the right to limit the amount of time to be used during the presentation as it may deem appropriate.


An ordinance is considered the most authoritative form of action the Board can take. An adopted ordinance becomes an established rule or law of the Town and remains in effect until otherwise rescinded or amended by the Board. Procedure for passage of ordinances and adoption of Codes by Reference shall be as is set forth in the Colorado Revised Statutes. An ordinance shall be introduced in written printed form and shall carry a title stating the subject of the ordinance.

Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda is a list of action items that the Board proposes to adopt with one motion and vote. All Board members must agree to the items on the consent agenda and if any one member disagrees, the proposed action is taken off of the Consent Agenda and dealt
with individually.