NOTICE is hereby given that a Proposed Budget has been submitted to the Town of Center Mayor and Town Board of Trustees for the ensuing year of 2025 on October 8, 2024; a copy of such Proposed Budget has been filed in the Office of the Town of Center Town Manager, where the same is open for public inspection; such Proposed Budget will be considered at the following Regular Meeting of the Town of Center Town Board to be held at the Center Town Hall, 294 South Worth Street, Center, CO 81125 on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 Regular Town Board Meeting for final adoption. Any interested elector of the Town of Center may inspect the Proposed Budget and file or register any objections thereto at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget. For more information please contact the Town of Center, 294 South Worth Street, Center, CO 81125, Telephone (719)754-3497 during regular business hours Monday through Friday.